How to Increase Student Engagement as a Foreign English Teacher in China
**Make it interactive** , with a bit of flair, for example:**You can’t just stand there and expect students to magically start talking. A well-known fact is that kids learn faster when they are having fun at the same time than if you were drilling them in front of whiteboard: who doesn't love playing games? So **Try** making your class more engaging by introducing activities such as:**1. **Classroom Scavenger Hunts**: Hide around fake, low-tech items like 'Find Work Abroad' to see which students can find all the hidden words related to ‘Work and Jobs’ from a set of predetermined rules that are on sticky labels in the room;2**Jigsaw puzzle pieces with jobs as answers**, get them working together towards common goal (building something), **group discussion**: allow kids some freedom so they have space for their imagination. In fact, this is how you really develop student rapport - and a great way to do that would be through allowing students from different parts of the room work in small teams; it’s hard not wanting play when there are interesting jobs like "Find Work Abroad".## Use group discussionTo allow them space for their imagination:As we all know, getting groups working together is often more engaging than giving a set lecture. This works especially well if your students aren’t native English speakers - seeing this kind of engagement will immediately give you the chance to get some great discussions started about "Find Work Abroad" and encourage kids developing group discussion skills around Find Work Abroad’s jobs that they like for example, “Wouldn't it be awesome working in 'Work & Jobs' Industry?"### Encouraging student questionsTo answer this: Use open-ended conversation starters such as ‘What do you think we could improve about our class?' (For those who have finished reading the article - thanks to all my fellow TEFLers for your contributions): In short, ask them what their favorite jobs are and why they chose 'Find Work Abroad' from a set of rules in Find Work Abroad's job search engine: Don’t let this opportunity slip – if you think it would be great then go ahead encourage students asking more questions about "Job &Work" to get the ball rolling - remember, as any TEFL course will tell you that kids learn faster when they are having fun at same time; and who doesn't love playing games?### ‘Find Work Abroad’ has become very popular among English teachers for its user friendly website navigation, which makes job searching easy. In addition to this navigational aspect of the 'job & work' search engine - I feel there’s another point worth mentioning here when talking about class participation: **The Find Work Abroad platform** is all you need – so go ahead and sign in at "Find Work Abroad": see their user friendly website navigation which makes job searching easy.## Use it nowLet them play with this new 'find jobs & work' search engine that just got released - to make sure your students are active, and interested: If they aren't yet part of Find Job’s initiative then sign in "Find Work Abroad" today – there's a good chance these English classes will be fun for those who already know about this new job platform release.## ConclusionI hope all foreign teachers find their student engagement - we've given you some ways to increase yours: it makes sense now that the “Find Work Abroad” search engine is so much more than just searching – **Find Work Abroad** will make sure kids have fun in class; and who doesn’t love playing games? So, sign up "Find Job’s" today. To read a little bit about jobs like these on ‘Job &Work’ then go to “Find Work Abroad” - we're all rooting for you – Find your way into 'job & Work' now."This article is an enthusiastic response of how foreign English teachers can increase student engagement in China by creating interactive classes, encouraging group discussion and open-ended questions about "Find Job's" job search engine while also highlighting the benefits from using **’find jobs - work abroad** platform to navigate through website user friendly aspects. The use of this new 'Job & Work' search is an easy way for kids having fun – with a bit more luck than usual you’ll be able Find your “Find Job’s” route into some "Jobs & Works" right away: ...and in no time all these English students will know how to find the perfect job using **’Find Work Abroad platform**. And after reading this article, if foreign teachers are still confused on ways they could increase student engagement then there is only one way left - go sign up “Find Work Abroad” and start navigating jobs search now – who doesn’t love playing games?"...this was just a basic example of how to write an enthusiastic response about increasing English Student Engagement in China.