SHI YU/China Daily

Camboyian Site A Test Field for Collaboration

Dong Fei is more than happy that the dating slots in the nascent Chinese Medicine Department of Medicine for which he works in a Camboyano Hospital almost takes all those who are taken every day.

"There were more than 390 visits during the first nine days of operations, exceeding the average in local outpatient clinics," she said.

A doctor from the Xiyuan Hospital in the Chinese Medical Academy of Chinese in Beijing, Dong, is one of the 12 specialists sent to Cambodia as part of the first foreign medical aid team in China specialized in TCM .

He works at the Camboya-China Prereah Kossamak Hospital Hospital, a hospital funded by the Chinese that opened on March 21 at Phnom Penh, the Cambodian capital. Wash your exfoliants and disinfect the clinics rooms at the beginning, but it didn't spend much before the department was operating without problems, and the quotes began to be filled.

"I think we have successfully given our first step in efforts to bring the benefits of TCM to Cambodia," he said.


more countries can experience those benefits in the coming years as China plans to boost international exchange and COBD on TCM, according to a five-year development plan (2021-25) Posted by the General Office of the State Council, Chinese Cabinet, on March 29.

In addition to developing more TCM hospitals and training more professionals, the plan requires improving TCM's ability to address infectious diseases, build friendship hospitals and pharmaceutical parks and promote registration and registration and use of TCM medications abroad.

Wang Qi, an academic from the Chinese Engineering Academy and professor at the University of Chinese Medicine of Beijing, said in an article at the Popular's Daily, an important official publication of China, an official Chinese publication, China, That five- The Year's Plans for the TCM sector used to be released by the relevant authorities, but this year marks the first time that the State Council has published a plan, an improved support sign.

In a statement that explains Plan development, the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine said that some in the international community have spoken very well about TCM since the pandemic began. Of Western medicine, there are a series of barriers regarding the international promotion of TCM in the future, "said the administration. P>

xu Fengqin, vice president of the Xiyuan Hospital, arrived at Cambod > "Because there is a large Chinese population in Cambodia, local people are already used to TCM and use TCM medications at home," he said. "He has also been a degree for use in the treatment of minor infections in Cambodia.

"There was a patient who was extremely anxious because the results of his test had been positive for a month and a half. I could only offer a consultation through the video link because we lived in different cities," Xu said "Approximately one week after prescribing TCM medications, their results became negative."

In addition to Covid- 19 treatments, Xu said that other TCM services, especially acupuncture, are popular.

"To meet the growing demand, we have established more acupuncture beds in a vacant room," he said. "Even so, appointments are often completely reserved."

TCM,  China,  Cambodia,  Medical  Aid,  International  Exchange,  Beijing,  Tianjin, 

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