Beijing - Beijing and the neighborhood Tianjin Municipality have launched a service that allows subway passengers to use the same QR code to pay tickets in both cities.

It is common in China for subway passengers paying using QR codes, which are usually scanned at ticket doors. However, codes are often developed in different applications developed in different cities and can not be used indistinctly.

The service, cash on Saturday, allows QR codes in the latest applications in Beijing and Tianjin are accepted in subway systems. of both cities.

Beijing transport authorities have pointed out important passenger flows between the two cities and have said that the new payment method is expected to improve the metro experience for passengers and help promote integrated development of cities.

Beijing is expected to expand the metro payment method to more Chinese cities this year, including Shijiazhuang, capital of the neighboring province of Hebei, and Guangzhou, according to the authorities.

QR  Codes,  Subway  Passengers,  Payment  Method,  Beijing,  Tianjin,  Guangzhou, 

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